Destination: Success through clear, focused progress

Destination: Success through clear, focused progress

The last post was all about deciding on the destination. Whether it be a new goal, or you still have your over-arching dream life in mind. Once you have determined your destination, it becomes important to keep your eyes and mind focused. Keeping focus on {read more}

Destination:  A better life.

Destination: A better life.

This post is a story time post! It contains the top 3 goals I’ve achieved through the reflection discussed in the last post. Throughout my journey, the most helpful articles and pieces of advice always came with actual examples of where it worked. Therefore, I’ve {read more}

An adventure on the Blue Ridge Parkway

An adventure on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Photos from our recent day trip to Cumberland Knob, a gorgeous park and hiking trail off of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Low Gap, NC.

Where are you going? and What do you want out of life?

Where are you going? and What do you want out of life?

When doing a life evaluation, it can feel so BIG. Interestingly, I tend to want to change my entire life every March or April. It is such an odd thing I’ve recognized about myself. Basically I wake up at the end of winter, when the {read more}

Thoughts and inspiration about why delight is so important

Thoughts and inspiration about why delight is so important

Today’s post contains thoughts and inspiration around why delight is so important on a daily basis. Also included are links to books about delight. AND phone backgrounds for a reminder to find delight today!

Motivation & Enjoyment

Motivation & Enjoyment

Storytime Recently, the childhood memory of playing video games with my brother popped into my mind. He was always able to win faster, I think he understood the cause/effect better than I did. Another memory which comes to mind is trying to learn, by his {read more}

Dealing with self-doubt

Dealing with self-doubt

In the last post, I briefly touched on some of the ways this year has felt like a roller coaster. Here lately, not only have external events happened to shake things up. But also, internally I’ve started to experience something I think most people feel {read more}

Goal Check-In

Goal Check-In

Simply put, this year has had a handful of twists and unexpected turns. Whilst I do enjoy roller coasters (they tickle me and I laugh and laugh), I’d rather not experience anything similar in real life. However, as we all know, rarely do things go {read more}

Let’s get cozy

Let’s get cozy

Sometimes in life we just need to get cozy. Can you relate? When is the last time you truly felt comfy, relaxed and just let out a nice sigh of relief? It’s been awhile for me.  Typically this feeling only comes around when I’m with {read more}

show me a picture of challenge

show me a picture of challenge

The “show me a picture of…” challenge is a fun one to reveal the true ‘you’. Thus here is the show me a picture of challenge, properly exposing myself.