Author: Rose

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Thank you! I asked on Instagram what type of YouTube Video you wanted to see next, and the selection with 75% of votes was: Apartment Tour! The other selections were: Q&A with 5% Interview with someone special with 15% Me attempting TikToks at 5% Eventually, {read more}

Love Grows Here Products

Love Grows Here Products

Hello BlogFam! Happy January 2022. In preparation for Valentine’s Day, we have new “love grows here” merch! In addition, you may have noticed the changes to the site at the beginning of 2022, with a new color and overall vibe. Currently, we use TeeSpring as our merch company, you can find our online shop here. If you order now, you will get these cute designs in time for Valentine’s Day!

Our first tee, is a long sleeve with a 3″ x 3″ blue hand drawn (by yours truly), and digitized heart. It comes in light blue and navy blue.

The second design is a grey short sleeve tee, with the words ‘love grows here’, in my handwriting. You may remember my post from last summer commenting about the song by Edison Lighthouse, “Love grows where my Rosemary goes.” This is again the theme of this shirt. It is simple design, but cute!

Discernment, Trust and Joy

Discernment, Trust and Joy

In light of my word of the year (bold), I thought, “May as well start the year off with an intense, thought-provoking post.” As you may have seen from the title, today’s topic is on: discernment, trust and we will explore how these two things relate to joy.

2022: Selecting a word of the year

2022: Selecting a word of the year

Ideas and selection of the 2022 word of the year. Complete with links to thought-provoking ideas, a list of potential words for you and what I have selected!

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

Creating your vision

In the last post, we discussed creating a vision.  Starting out with the question, “Are your thoughts in harmony with your vision?” Which was a question asked by host Joseph Rodríguez from the podcast, “Insights & Perspectives”.  The idea being that when you are clear about your dreams and bold enough to believe in them, they will unfold.

This single sentence make it all seem so easy.  Almost like a check list:

  • Create Vision
  • Clarify Vision
  • Believe Vision

Thoughts and perspectives

If it were this simple – all of us would be living our exact lives.  We know it is not this simple.  We know that daily life takes over.  Our traumas and fears pop-up when least expected and push us off our center.  Someone makes a decision unexpectedly or we find out a shocking piece of information.  Our physical body fails us, or the stock market doesn’t go our way.  Sometimes it seems as though we aren’t even on the right planet, let alone the right path.  Even with a clear vision and a strong, firm belief in it; if our thoughts are not in harmony with that vision, we will not see it come to fruition.  Our perspective is ever changing, either for the better or for worse; and it is fueled by our thoughts.  

So, lets add two items to our check list:

  • Become aware of the default thoughts and resulting perspective
  • Clean up thoughts in relation to the vision
  • Adjust perspective to align with vision

Thought life

In my opinion, this is the real definition of being bold enough to believe in your dreams.  It isn’t just about hoping to the best, or wishing upon a star.  It is about being so committed to the vision of the future, that you adjust every thought, every action and consistently take the perspective that it will and must unfold. This takes self-awareness, strength and tenacity to see your vision come into reality. 
In short, no more auto-pilot down mediocre street.  No more settling for second best.  This is YOUR LIFE.  Take control of your thoughts, actions and thus your future.


Consider what is in the background of your mind as you read this.  Literally become aware of the thoughts going through your head.  Now, picture yourself clearing your mind.  Sometimes it is helpful to, in your minds eye, write the thoughts on a chalk board – good or bad.  Now, in your minds eye, pick up an eraser and clear them from the board.  Once you are satisfied with the cleanliness of the board, write the thoughts you WANT to think.  The thoughts that would be most helpful to lead you to your vision. 
Being human 

Because we are human and life is life, realigning to our vision, adjusting it and coming back to ourselves must be done deliberately and consistently.  While this is straightforward when we do monthly reflections or quarterly check-ins, and especially end of year look-backs; in my experience, it is the day to day that can either propel us forward, or hold us back. 

It is an everyday commitment to honor your vision, honor yourself and stay true to your feelings.  Allows things to unfold and stay true to your vision.  Yes, even when there are setbacks, or an angry driver cuts you off, or you get the fourth rejection from a future employer.  Give yourself grace when you find your thoughts spiraling in the wrong direction.  Ask for help from loved ones you can trust.  Select a role model who is living the life close to what you want for yourself. 

Cultivate an uncommon appreciation for the things that are going well.  Embody a sense of wonder for things  not yet uncovered, and keep the flame of belief going from moment to moment.  With this,  your dreams will come true.



Be bold enough to believe in your dreams

  1. Create vision (see last post for inspiration
  2. Clarify vision (sometimes this is as easy as adding how you want to feel to the vision itself)
  3. Believe your vision can be YOURS
  4. Become aware of your default thoughts and perspectives
  5. Clean up your thoughts to align with your belief
  6. Adjust your perspective to align with your vision
  7. Cultivate appreciation for what is going well


Page Break


As an illustration of the above mention concepts, please consider the below chalkboards.  This specific example is for someone who is wanting to know they make a difference at their company and in their position.  Potentially hoping to be recognized through promotion.  

Creating a vision.

Creating a vision.

The idea is to keep these visions close by your mind, and of course in your heart. Allowing yourself to adjust them as necessary. In a future blog we will discuss allowing these visions to unfold, giving yourself grace and you trip and let yourself settle and how to keep your thoughts in harmony with your vision.

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?

Knock, knock. Who’s there?

Today’s post is a bit of an intense exercise. You may want a pen and paper to jot down your thoughts. And maybe some time to sit with the questions and come up with some answers. Some of you may even want to spread this exercise across many days; especially if you haven’t made time for yourself in while.


Who are you?

Mirror, mirror.

This first task might feel rather uncomfortable: look in a mirror. Literally look at yourself. Maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve looked into your own eyes, or really truly looked at your face. In my case, I use a mirror most days to put makeup on or make sure there isn’t food in my teeth; but rarely do I sit with myself and actually look at myself. Take a second to see yourself, write down whatever you see. Be honest, if you are critical of anything, or perhaps appreciative of the good genes, or gorgeous hair. Maybe you have eyes that remind you of a gentle, loving grandparent. Or a particular facial shape that is indicative of your heritage. Either way, look at yourself, and write down what you see.

If you are anything like me, you may see things that you’d like to improve… write them down. In my opinion it is better to write things down and be honest with yourself, than act like that thought didn’t go through your mind. Later you can decide what to do with the information you gather, whether that might be to go see a surgeon or take some other action.


Roles and Souls.

Who do you consider yourself to be? Write down whatever comes to mind. Perhaps the first thing that pops into your mind is your literal name. Maybe the second thing is your occupation, or role in life; such as mother, daughter, Vice President, artist, content creator.

Go a bit deeper, beyond the obvious, think now how do you describe yourself? What adjectives do you use to describe yourself? Remember those awful ice-breakers where you have to come up with something to introduce yourself to the group. (Or was that just my strange college experience? It felt like freshman year I had to introduce myself to every classroom full of people using an adjective starting with ‘r’).  Remember the squirrel post?

One more step to this exploration: what type of thoughts do you think about yourself? Do you find passing thoughts such as, ‘you’re such an idiot’ go through your mind when you make a mistake? Or the age-old, ‘this is exactly why no one will ever love you’ go through your mind when you’ve said something you wish you could take back?



Yes yes, I know. Most words of advice would point away from comparing, especially in an age where social media allows us to second by second compare someone else’s picture perfect life to our own. But this type of comparison is meant to be different.

For a moment, think of someone who you admire. Bring to mind a visual of that person, think about their life and their roles, their career, their achievements, whatever you know about that person.

Now, write down what you see visually when you look at that person. Next, write down who you think that person to be, and lastly, write down 1-3 thoughts you have about that person.

At this point, you’ve probably already realized the punch line. Compare your list about the person you admire with the list you drew up about yourself. Could you even imagine being as critical of the person you admire as you are to yourself?


Pause, breath, re-write

Okay, okay, okay. Now stop beating yourself up if your lists are like night and day. Even if you had two lists that were somewhat similar, its time to take a deep breath. And re-write the list about yourself from a place of admiration and love.

So. Go look in the mirror again. Write down all the qualities you love about your face, all the things you know you are doing right for your skin, your body, your smile. If there are things you want to improve or you know you have been neglecting, START today in creating a new habit for that area. Or maybe its a call to the doctor about something that has been bothering you.

Now, think about who you are, write down the roles with adjectives that put a more positive spin, as thought you are looking at yourself through the eyes of someone who looks up to you.

And lastly, choose 3 NEW thoughts you’d like to think throughout the day about yourself. Let those 3 new thoughts be your default, even if you have to put them on post-its and read them aloud.



As the days turn into months, and months turn into years, this quote from Gandhi starts to make more sense to me. What we believe deep down inside to be true is what forms our thoughts. If we believe at a basic level that we are ‘good’, we will think of ourselves from that frame. The thoughts we think literally become words expressed to others or muttered under our breath. Those words form actions – I think of this better in the context of work. What is said out loud in meetings, literally become actions and tasks.

Actions, sometimes are a one-time thing, but typically become habits or regular activities, driving something in our lives. Once we make a habit of something, consciously or unconsciously, it becomes somewhat of a ‘value’ in our life. In other words, we are taught to brush our teeth, and eventually we value dental hygiene. With this simple example, it is more clear how these values become a created destiny (such as having a great smile).

Beliefs become thoughts,

Thoughts become words,

Words become actions,

Actions become habits,

Habits become values,

Values become destiny.

– Gandhi


From this exercise, I hope you were able to sort through what you believe to be true about yourself. To see more clearly the thoughts you think of yourself. And to be sure that you adjust those believes and thoughts. So that eventually you develop a better sense of self-awareness. Resulting in taking more nurturing actions toward your own-self. Therefore, creating a future you’ll one day look back on and be pleased with.



Let me know what you think about this exercise. If you’d like to connect either down below or in the comments, I’d love to hear from you!


Reflections on failure

Reflections on failure

This isn’t your typical blog Before reading, please know this isn’t a pleasant, up beat or even peppy post. Instead this post is raw and reflects feelings of failure and my previous mismeasurement of success. It may trigger some, and be misunderstood by others. I {read more}