Author: Rose

Revisiting your vision

Revisiting your vision

Remember that vision you created toward the end of 2021, or the beginning of this year? Maybe you remember your own whimsical, happy, eagerly expectant vision? If you haven’t yet created it, see the post here. While you are there, it may be helpful to {read more}

Free yourself

Free yourself

Free yourself: stop putting yourself in a box. Free yourself from limitations and labels so you can flourish.

Rejuvenate your soul

Rejuvenate your soul

Seasons come, Seasons go

Winter is somehow almost over in the northern hemisphere! Spring is rolling in, depending on where you are in the world you may already have flowers sprouting! The beginning of any season is especially a happy time for me. The changes in the earth can be seen by our eyes. Whereas in the midst of a season it sometimes feels like it is drudging on or will never end.

As winter comes to an end, think back over the past few months. During this time did you do anything to feed your soul? Were there any particular activities or days which stand out in your mind and defined the season? How about any particular people who seem to be a shining light?


Let your light shine

Remember an older post about your pilot light? This post has a similar message in the sense that it is not only time to check in on how you have been feeling and where your energy level is; but it is also time to start actively engaging in the activities which light up your soul. Those activities, places and people which make you feel your best. Or make you feel young again. Reignite your soul. Let yourself indulge in something that moves you deeply. Rejuvenate your soul.


Time to flourish

It’s time to flourish. Let that sink in. The screenshot below is from the Merriam Webster dictionary.

Mental Scene

I love the first one, “to grow luxuriantly”. I picture an English garden with lush grass, trestles of roses, butterflies and birds. Cute little benches, just enough sunshine but the dew is still resting on the delicate flowers. All is quiet except for the gentle movement of a calm breeze. Just beyond the rose garden is a pond with floating lily pads with young lovers beside one another reading.

When you bring to mind the word flourish, what mental scene comes to mind? Perhaps yours is very different than mine and brings about treehouses, hot air balloons or playing in the park with your family. Or even more different still, sailing, fishing or playing a sport.



Meditate on the word flourish. Define it from your own words. Create a mental image in your minds eye and describe it in writing or to a friend. Come back to the scene often. Allow yourself to get swept away with your own imagery.


Extending grace in the low moments

Extending grace in the low moments

Build self trust through being honest with yourself at your lowest, growing from it and extending yourself grace.

What’s in my passport?

What’s in my passport?

… and other travel stories. Hello! And welcome back. Today’s post is complete with a YouTube where I talk through what is in my passport along with the travel stories to go along with it! This video is complete with lessons learned, funny moments and {read more}

Inspiration Spotlight

Inspiration Spotlight

Hello everyone! Today, I am starting a new blog series called “Inspiration Spotlight” which will highlight the people in my life. All of which, I know personally. People who have inspired me and others around them!

There is a saying, that you are most like the 5 people you spend the most time with. This always hit home for me, as I moved through my life and became more aware of who I was actually spending time with. Personally, this isn’t about someone who is the most successful, or has fancy things; instead it is about someone who is humble, kind, resilient, and knows they are human just like anyone else.

The first person to be in the Inspiration Spotlight is…



Dimitrios and I met back in University, in West Philadelphia! 

This is what I can tell you about Dimitrios: he always has a smile on his face. This man would walk around campus and you’d never know if he was having a bad day. He was always encouraging, often the life of the party. He would even get my uptight self to have some fun once in awhile! If ANYONE, and I sincerely mean anyone needed help, he was there – whether it be to carry something or just someone to talk to. If I remember correctly, we had a handful of classes together.



Dimitrios was always on-time, ready to go, energized and fully present. (Yes folks, he was the group member you WANTED on your team). In one class, we had to have a healthy debate, and I remember how well he was able to present his point… this particular one was well before Teams, or Zoom, and the debate was around whether Instant Messenger apps should be ‘allowed’ in the workplace. Wow have things changed. In any case, I remember Dimitri’s point specifically, that these types of messaging apps could help build relationships and make communication quicker.

I mention this because, after randomly running into Dimitri in Philadelphia in the fall of last year; I realized his ability to make you feel comfortable, and welcome still hasn’t gone away. Something I probably didn’t really realize back in undergrad, but now is one of the biggest character traits I look for in someone!

After running into one another, we decided to catch-up, both of us have quite the schedules, but in the beginning of February we finally were able to set time aside to do this! Eventually, I’d like to record an interview with him to share with you all and we will get to that one day. Our conversation surrounded:

  • Building relationships for the long haul, not just for what you need in the moment
  • Being authentic, showing who you really are, which gains trust
  • Staying open and leaning into another person’s ‘world’
  • Being curious always, which breaks down assumptions and walls
  • Really truly listening to others, to find the between the lines message
  • Seeing things from all sides, to ensure the solution fits well for everyone

In the mean time, feel free to reach out to Dimitrios, he runs a company in Greater Philadelphia focused on government affairs and strategic growth, has a beautiful wife (who I hope to meet someday soon!) and two children. You can find more information about his company here:

Hopes and Fears

Hopes and Fears

Well hello! Happy Valentine’s Day. My wish for you, my dear reader, is that you feel at least one moment of whimsy and magic today. Regardless if you have a special someone, or if you are celebrating with friends, please take the time to show {read more}

Morning affirmations

Morning affirmations

Gooooood Morning! Or whenever you are reading this, happy day! Today’s post is provides a tool for helping to shift your default yourself. Yesterday, my blog was about making decisions on how you want to show up to the different areas of your life.


During my shift and even now, I am grateful to many YouTubers and bloggers who post daily written and spoken affirmations. Therefore, to add to the community; I created my own short daily affirmation track intended to be used in the morning. Or whenever you need a boost or some encouragement.


I have purposely made this under 5 minutes so that it doesn’t take up too much of your morning. In this track, I say the affirmations out loud, for you to repeat in your mind or out loud. In addition, the affirmations are displayed on the screen for you to read. Research shows that writing something down helps with retention. If you remember my squirrel post, it certainly helps me. With that said, I also recommend writing the affirmations in your journal, perhaps not everyday, but at least once. Then, each day you can select 1 to 3 affirmations that you especially like to script in your journal.






The affirmations are as follows:

  1. Today, I commit to having a magnificent day.
  2. I see myself as a radiant light; bringing pure positive energy to each room I enter.
  3. Today I give myself permission to notice the magical parts of life.
  4. I commit to finding inner peace and enjoy every moment.
  5. Today I allow myself to relax into each moment.
  6. I commit to giving my full attention to the task at hand.
  7. Today I will extend myself grace, keeping my inner conversations encouraging.
  8. As the day goes on, I will refocus my energy as needed.
  9. Today I will recognize my talents and use them accordingly.
  10. I humbly admit I am significant and that I make a difference to the world around me.
  11. Today I will recognize where to give myself credit for my accomplishments.
  12. Before I go to bed today, I will remember the intention I set for myself during this practice.
  13. I will allow myself to be satisfied with how I showed up today.

Personalized requests

Thank you all for your support. If you find this affirmation track helpful, please let me know! And, if you’d like a new affirmation tape with any specific affirmations, comment down below or DM me on Instagram and I’ll make a personal one for you! Or include the specific affirmation in the next track I record.

Sending love your way and throughout your day! xoxo rose



Shifting the default ‘you’

Shifting the default ‘you’

Before we get into today’s post, know that it may be helpful to have pen and paper. Or a way to take notes, or capture your thoughts. It might also be helpful to have a timer of some sort, as we will be doing reflection {read more}