Author: Rose

The school of life

The school of life

Book recommendations, as if to home school yourself as an adult going through life.

Looking and feeling your best

Looking and feeling your best

We’ve all been there. We wake up on a Sunday morning and we want to feel and look good. Maybe to go to brunch, or maybe to go to church. But, alas, we look in the mirror and wish we had gotten more sleep over {read more}

Want to feel better now?

Want to feel better now?

We have all had those moments… we just feel like crap. We can’t seem to get our engine going again. Maybe we don’t even want to do the things we typically find joy in. And yes, we are probably scrolling the internet! So here are my suggestions and ideas on what to do to feel better this instant!

Come along this silly < 5 minute journey with me. Please also comment down below what you do to feel better!

Let your mind be an oasis

Let your mind be an oasis

Where ever you go, there you are. May as well create an oasis in your mind to bring with you.

Inspiration Spotlight: Music and our Brains

Inspiration Spotlight: Music and our Brains

Recently, I had the pleasure of having dinner with some amazing people. One of which was Dr. Jonathan Burdette, a professor of Neuroradiology at Wake Forest School of Medicine. He is working on important and inspiring things with VR (Virtual Reality) and has previously worked {read more}

How to prepare for a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview

Preparing for a job interview? Want to feel confident going into it and know you’ve got the job? My video on how to prepare for a job interview will put you in the right direction for success!

When preparing for a job interview, we can sometimes get caught up in thoughts of worry or anxiety. This is SO natural. Job interviews are a time when you KNOW you are being judged. AND the outcome of that judgement determines part of your future.

In this video, I cover a few ways to prepare, and feel confident; but also remind you that this is a time for YOU to determine if this job is right for you. Remember, anytime you are being interviewed, you should also be interviewing back.

Funny story: when I was receiving a five year service award, my boss jokingly recounted that my interview felt more like I was interviewing HIM than him interviewing me. Although that was 100% what I was going for, I am glad that I showed curiosity to make sure the job was a right fit!



Let me know what you think of this video: How to prepare for a job interview for success!


How well do you know your purpose?

How well do you know your purpose?

Knowing your purpose is good for your health Little did I know, that knowing your purpose is important and good for your health! Both mentally and physically. Upon deeper reflection, this makes total sense. After all, an individual who wakes up and goes about their {read more}

Sad news…

Sad news…

Well blogfam. I appreciate yall so much. This post comes with the sad news, that my side kick, and the dynamic part to the duo has crossed the rainbow bridge. My sweet Bianca Bear, Bianca Potts, Muffin, Potts Smith has left us. She passed peacefully {read more}

Daily Affirmations: August Edition!

Daily Affirmations: August Edition!

These affirmations are designed to listen to in the background, read aloud, or say in your mind. Affirmations can be helpful to relax, re-center yourself and remind yourself of the intention you have for the day, the month, or even the year.

This affirmation track contains the following affirmations:

  • As I move into this month, I let go of anything that is no longer serving me.
  • I will let go of the previous versions of myself that I no longer identify with.
  • As I move throughout each day, I will seek comfort in who I have become and the person I am.
  • This month, I will take time to rest, allowing my body and mind to recharge.
  • I give myself the permission to be more sensitive to my intuition and my inner voice.
  • I will listen to my body and meet its needs, through nutrition foods, regular movement and meditation.
  • I will honor my feelings when determining next steps and move at a pace that works well for me.
  • Where needed, I will shift my attention and energy, staying loyal to myself and my personal needs.
  • Each day, I will do my best to get into a state of flow by focusing on the task at hand.
  • This month, I will give myself credit for my evolution and progress.
  • I will continue to believe there will be successful outcomes on the things I am working on.
  • Before I go to bed today, I will remember my intentions from this practice and allow myself to be satisfied with how I showed up today.

Better than Peloton? Why Planet Fitness Gym is Better

Better than Peloton? Why Planet Fitness Gym is Better

Hey everyone! As you know, I LOVE working out. The gym is my happy place. Cardio, Lifting, Yoga… doesn’t matter the activity. I LOVE getting my sweat on. Moving my body makes me happier than any other activity… In this video, I go through why {read more}