Difficult Person Test

Difficult Person Test

This is a new one and I am excited to share it with you! In a recent HBR (Harvard Business Review) article, titled, “Have you taken the difficult person test?“, a ‘darker’ personality test for the taking. The article indicates that taking any personality quiz {read more}

Plan October with me!

Plan October with me!

Welcome everyone! As we are about to end the month of September 2021, it comes with the realization that this year has flow by. I’m wondering what has been your experience? Has this been a celebration type year? I know a few people who were {read more}

Heart Health

Heart Health

Soon it will be Heart Health Awareness month. You may have seen your local American Heart Association signs go up for the walks occurring around the United States. Today I’m sharing a podcast that especially inspires me to continue taking care of my body. Either {read more}

Myers Briggs : My personality type

Myers Briggs : My personality type

Your interest The Myers Briggs personality test is something I bring up every so often in my blog. The post about the brain character quiz peaked the interest to know my Myers Briggs type. In the spirit of embracing my personality, I am sharing my {read more}

Embracing who you truly are

Embracing who you truly are

Welcome back fam! I’m going to get straight to the point: for the longest time I forced myself to be someone I wasn’t. Instead of embracing the delicate, soft parts of myself; I showed the world only my thorns. Randomly finding this little quiz on {read more}

Decision making: logic versus our gut feeling

Decision making: logic versus our gut feeling

Decision making should be based on a person’s own choice, not the voices and opinions of others. When making decisions that align with our values and dreams, we gain self-respect.

Stop, drop and roll

Stop, drop and roll

Remember being in grammar school and being taught “STOP. DROP. and ROLL.”? This was a safety technique taught to us in the case of our clothes catching on fire. It calls for us to stop (basically don’t panic), drop to the ground, and roll so {read more}

Destination: The unfolding

Destination: The unfolding

When there is nothing left for you to do, but you aren’t quite to the destination yet. This is what we like to call the ‘unfolding’. You’ve prepared for this moment and given an honest effort, now it just has to unfold.

The truth is…

The truth is…

Today’s post is short and sweet, something to think about…