Discernment, Trust and Joy

Discernment, Trust and Joy

In light of my word of the year (bold), I thought, “May as well start the year off with an intense, thought-provoking post.” As you may have seen from the title, today’s topic is on: discernment, trust and we will explore how these two things relate to joy.

2022: Selecting a word of the year

2022: Selecting a word of the year

Ideas and selection of the 2022 word of the year. Complete with links to thought-provoking ideas, a list of potential words for you and what I have selected!

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

In short, no more auto-pilot down mediocre street. No more settling for second best. This is YOUR LIFE. Take control of your thoughts, actions and thus your future.

Creating a vision.

Creating a vision.

The idea is to keep these visions close by your mind, and of course in your heart. Allowing yourself to adjust them as necessary. In a future blog we will discuss allowing these visions to unfold, giving yourself grace and you trip and let yourself settle and how to keep your thoughts in harmony with your vision.

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?

Knock, knock. Who’s there?

Today’s post is a bit of an intense exercise. You may want a pen and paper to jot down your thoughts. And maybe some time to sit with the questions and come up with some answers. Some of you may even want to spread this {read more}

Reflections on failure

Reflections on failure

This isn’t your typical blog Before reading, please know this isn’t a pleasant, up beat or even peppy post. Instead this post is raw and reflects feelings of failure and my previous mismeasurement of success. It may trigger some, and be misunderstood by others. I {read more}

Gift giving: the origin, ideas and inspiration

Gift giving: the origin, ideas and inspiration

Today is meant to provide some inspiration on what gifts to give. As well as provide a way to give a ‘hint’ to those in your life buying gifts! Personally, I’m not a gift person – I like giving them, but it feels so strange to receive them. No idea why this is, but it is. Therefore, in the below you will see some non-traditional gifts suggestions. Also, some white elephant gift ideas and a ‘this or that’ section. Including things like concert tickets, a night out and even flight tickets.

Goal Check-in

Goal Check-in

Look at us, nearing the end of the year. How fast or slow did this year go for you? I can hardly believe it is coming to and end. It has been awhile since I’ve done a goal check-in. Since we’ve still got 8 weeks {read more}