Start, stop, continue

Start, stop, continue

At one point or another, the majority of people find themselves in a situation they wish they weren’t in. Usually, this happens after a series of small decisions that slowly took the person off course. Rarely are these situations purposeful or an all-of-a-sudden type moment. {read more}

Giving yourself credit

Giving yourself credit

Reflection Today’s post is a bit different than most. In brief, it is a reflection exercise. Most likely, this should be done individually or in discussion with a loved one. It may be helpful to have old journals, phone notes or pictures within reach. Think {read more}

What now?

What now?

That dreaded feeling Do you ever find yourself asking, “What should I do now?”  Potentially this question flashes before you at an unexpected dead-end in the road, and others it comes a ‘real-life’ dead-end. Sometimes, long-time-coming or completely unexpected, this feeling isn’t normally a good {read more}

5 Principles for Improvement

5 Principles for Improvement

Situational lessons to carry forward If there is anything this pandemic is teaching us, it is that determination and perseverance alone aren’t enough. Largely, at the very least, the need to adapt and adjust without knowing what is around the corner is necessary. In addition, {read more}



Consistency and repetition equal results. Being consistent is just about the only thing that will actually produce sustainable results. Meaning, very rarely will a one-time action allow for a long term goals. Improving incrementally and applying the trial and error idea go hand in hand {read more}

Thank you

Thank you

Today’s topic is more simple than most but the most important! THANK YOU. Thank you to those who are reading and following along. A special thank you to those who have texted, shown support and shared your own stories! And, I can’t forget those I’ve {read more}

trial and error

trial and error

Experience As much as sometimes we’d like to just read a book and automatically ‘know’, it typically takes some amount of trail and error. Trial and error comes with time and experience. Small failures become lessons learned. Improvements made in small increments typically stick longer {read more}

Developing good habits

Developing good habits

As the first three months of the year come to a close, it is a good time to reflect on daily habits. And determine if they are pointing you in the right direction toward your goals. Or if they are ever so slightly off track {read more}

Being prepared

Being prepared

2020: EATING AND SLEEPING We can probably almost all agree that, the past year has been difficult for SO many different reasons. One of the most commons reasons I heard expressed was the feeling of uncertainty. No one knew what was around the corner or {read more}

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY! There are many women in my life that are absolutely outstanding. Amazing mothers, great professionals, wise educators, content creators, determined students and brave authors. No matter their ‘title’ in life, they are all influencers in one way or another. With a {read more}